
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monkey Mania

This mother monkey was watching all the goings on very quietly on the roof of the guest house.
This morning the monkeys were WILD!!!!!!!!!

I heard them over on the guest house and thought they are going to tear the roof up then one came behind me in the alcove-----it was screaming and scared the life out of me!!!!!

Of course I went inside and got some old bread and put it out for them------think I counted 12 at one time in the yard-----didn't have my camera

so I ran inside. They were all over the place----things have really changed for me I can remember the first time I saw monkeys here in the back yard I was so frightened I ran inside. I was on the phone with Sara and could not decide to which way to run and remembered the door to the foyer was locked and had to go to the pantry door which meant going toward the monkey. Now I just clap my hands and say go!!!! Time

really changes things-----oh boys guess what now lizards don't scare me as much as they used to ----as long as I can see it I am not scared------saw one on the wall in the study the other night and just walked closer to the other wall and out the door ----no screaming fit any longer----HAHAHAHA

Saturday, November 15, 2008


For sometime I have been thinking of doing this blog. Food here in India is definitely different. When I first came here I scouted several stores to be able to find "American" food. Our house owners told us about Icy Pic and Hind Grocery. We actually visited these stores before we moved from Chennai to see what would be available.
Icy Pic--- Located in a basement and has alot of imported foods. They have the frozen meats-chicken, prawns, pork and fish. I have had to learn the names of the different cuts ---breast fillet skinless- supreme chicken; leg quarters - chicken legs skinless; whole chicken -----skinless chicken halved; roasting chicken- chicken with skin. If you notice almost all the chicken is skinless because it is easier for the processors not to have to pick the chicken and they don't do a real good job on the roasting chicken either. There I can pick up Old El Paso refried beans, taco seasonings and tortilla wraps usually. I have found several other things there that have surprised me -----marshmallows -----not Kraft put marshmallow--- I purchased some back in August so I could put on sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving.

Hind Grocery ----my first few visits there not not pleasant----they were located on the ground floor and had mice!!!!!! Not that moving upstairs made the mice go but now it is a cleaner store. I never forget when Ryan was visiting we went there and it smelled so bad like dead mice that the workers were following us around spraying an air freshener-----Ryan was so ready to leave.
I did not go back for awhile after that but then decided to brave it again after they had moved upstairs -----well that day they had Doritos and we were having company so I bought two bags. On unpacking they when I got home I saw chips in the bottom of the bag well guess what ---mice chews on one bag and it was "leaking" . Now I try to visit about once a month and always check the bags or boxes very carefully. They don't have as much as they use to have but can usually get M&M's there!!!!!!!!
I have found several other places to buy imported foods but they do come at a premium price at all of them but sometimes you just have to have them.
Last night Bill and I had company for dinner. It was truly an international meal.
Pork Tenderloin Mississippi cooked on a grill from the US
Baked Beans ---Heinz product of South Africa, bacon -US, Worcestershire sauce - England, Onions - India
Broccoli Casserole - India
Blueberry Dessert -----Blueberries from France, Cream Cheese from England, Pecans from US, whipping cream- Philippines (because there is no cool whip to be found!!!), flour (maida) - India This was my most international dish and also most expensive!!!!!
Wonderful meal!!!!!!!!!!
My next post will be on food also but on Indian products hopefully with pictures.
See ya

Thursday, November 13, 2008


After the doctor appt yesterday, I stopped by Fabindia. I saw the cutest little dresses. Of course I bought one for Mary Parker. I don't know if it will fit but maybe next spring. I know a couple more little girls I would buy one for if they have the right size but I am not sure of their sizes. Largest size they had was 5-6 years. Can anyone help out there? This one was a steal for the handwork (in I think).

It also has the rosettes on the bottom randomly. Approximately 11.30 USD.

Dr Visit

Sunday I had some spots appear on my face-----not just spots but like ant bites all down my nose. They were really sore and of course only being 29 I thought they might be pimples. But they did not feel like pimples ( yeah I know but this does have a meaning). Well by Wednesday still had them and a few more came under my chin-----now I am thinking shingles. They really hurt.
Bill and I have always gone to one of the hospitals for Dr visits when needed but I had a friend that I knew had seen a dermatologist a couple of times so I thought word of mouth would be good. She had seen him at the Apollo clinic but now he only practiced at his own clinic. She had her driver lead me there because the addresses here are too funny. And of course I am still dealing with a drivers that speaks VERY little English and Understands LESS!!!!!
Anyway back to the doctor visit. I got there at 3:45 pm. His office hours were from5 -10 pm. There were two guys there already . Nancy had called ahead and made an appt for me and he had said be there at the time and he would see me so I did not have to wait long. I went inside while his helper was sweeping the porch off. He came in and threw the broom under my feet and pointed to my feet and said something in Gujarati. Then I knew what he wanted me to take my shoes off and of course I went outside and left my shoes. Well at 4:00 he came in and his "helper" sent me in. There were already 6 other people waiting by this time. He first thought I had pimples until I said they itched and hurt. He looked at them closely and then decided they were bites of some sort. He asked did I sit outside much and of course I do and he said don't for a few days yeah right now is the most pleasant time we have anyway he prescribed an allergy pill (five only) and a steroid pill (4 only) and some cream. I left there and when to the drug store and purchased the meds minus the steroid ( do not like to take them and decided if they other two didn't work then I would take). Total cost 209 rupees for EVERYTHING about 4.25 USD. When was the last time you went to a doctor ($3.06) and bought meds( $1.19) for that amount must less a dermatologist!!!!!!
Oh by the way when I came out of his office around 4:15 there were close to thirty people waiting and I had to dig through shoes to get to mine HAHAHA good thing they were bright orange sequins and I could spot them easily. Good thing Nancy called ahead.

Update the bites look much better this morning after applying only the cream.

Bella and Kate Update

NOPE!!!!!!!! They did not eat a single one! I don't know what to feed them now that was a 2 kgs bag of sausages and now no one will eat them. Well maybe their mom but I don't need more kittens!!!!!!

Mistreated Kitties

Last night I needed to feed the kittens, Bella and Kate. I had some chicken sausage that we had purchased when we first came here from the caters for the rig. Neither Bill nor I liked it so it was still in the freezer. I decided that I would feed them that. I put in in the microwave and I got it too hot. Of course, the sweet little darling were waiting on me andwhen I put it down they took a bite before it cooled. Yikes!!!!! Well they did not eat it and this morning it was still on the porch! They came around 7:30 to eat and looked at it and turned away. I even when inside and got a cool one and they turned their nose up. I decided

1. They remembered the smell that burned them and they wanted no part of it.

2. They didn't like the smell of it and refused it!!!!!!

Bill and I think the last is correct!!!!!!! He just said if the cats won't eat it how did we think we could eat it!!!! I think we have smart cats. Their mother showed up around 10 and ate it all. Oh by the way, she is expecting again!!!!!

O it is 7:00 pm and Bella just showed up I will update to see it she eats a fresh one.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Birthday

Ok I know I am late in posting these but this is from my birthday here in Ahmedabad. I woke up and went thru the house and noticed something on the doors that lead outside to my porch.

Something was all over the floor outside also. I asked Bill and he said he had seen it also.
Opening the door, I saw birthday cards everywhere!!!!!!

There was even a flower arrangement on the table. They were all from Sophia and Arun. The cards were the sweetest. All signed with a short message inside.

They even decorated the front door. It was the best surprise. I had not told them it was my birthday-----guess someone else did! I think there were about 35 cards in all and lots of flowers!!!!!
This arrangement arrived around 8:30 from Bhakti, my friend!!!!!!
What a great birthday even though I was only 29 !!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bella and Kate

Several months ago a stray cat had her kittens in Bill's bar on the porch. Two of them have become permanent residents. Bella the white one and Kate the grey.


Sunday after seeing the baby peacocks, We put some bread out in hopes that they would come closer. Look what we got instead.

A whole family of monkeys. They were very rowdy!!!!!!

I think we counted 7 in all including the baby.

They stayed until all the bread was gone and then they went on the roof and played for a while!

Spa here in Ahmedabad

I have told you about the gym here but now I am going to a Spa to get my hair and nails done. It is wonderful. I have been going to the shop for about 7 months now but the owner, Tanvi, has opened a full spa. I would say it is very close in comparison to the spa at The Park hotel in Chennai only smaller. It has is individual rooms with private steam and showers. That has been unheard of here in Ahmedabad until I found this place. Usually the facial, massages and anything else you have done are done at least two to a room. Always tried to go early when no one else was there. When I have body massages here you just had to leave with the oil on you after the sponged you off------yuck. I would highly recommend this spa to anyone. They hairdressers are very well trained in "western" cuts and colors. I think my hair is almost back to the way I wore it in the US. The color has not been good since I left Chennai were a girl from Canada was doing it. This is another jewel I have found here.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Baby Peacocks

We have been watching for baby peacocks.
This morning one hen came out with 4 babies and was followed by another hen with 1 baby. I tried to get a good picture but they were in the back of the garden. This picture does show all the babies. Will keep you updated!!!!!